Analisis Pendangkalan Waduk Pacal Kabupaten Bojonegoro

  • Khoiru Nisa Universitas Bojonegoro
  • Harjono Universitas Bojonegoro
  • Musthofa Universitas Bojonegoro


Pacal Reservoir has a very important function and role for the daily activities of the community as the main source of water for agricultural activities. Pacal Reservoir itself has an irrigation service area of 16,688 ha. The sedimentation process in Pacal River, especially in Pacal Reservoir, indicates the impact of erosion caused by changes in land use that used to be forest into corn plantations (observation source) and one of the impacts caused by sedimentation in Pacal Reservoir is siltation and this siltation can resulted in an overflow and a decrease in the performance of the Pacal Reservoir. The reduced performance of the Pacal Reservoir is caused by many factors including technical factors and non-technical factors, damage to technical factors one of which is damage to several parts of the Pacal Reservoir, and non-technical factors one of which is the silting of the Pacal Reservoir which is caused by the accumulation of sediments in the Pacal Reservoir. After calculating how much sedimentation occurred in the Pacal Reservoir, namely: The suspended load volume was 3755.51 tons/year, the bed load volume was 45205.5 m³/year, the total sediment inflow was 71583.76 tons/year, the total sediment propagation was 0 .98mm/yr. After operating the reservoir for 89 years, the remaining siltation of the Pacal Reservoir is 15,710m3, therefore the capacity of the Pacal Reservoir is only 30 years.


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