Fitri Annisa Purba
Due to the rapid development of information technology now, every business must always adapt and take advantage of the latest information technology. The use of information technology provides solutions and benefits for companies in operational, business and financial problems. Information technology certainly needs a kind of framework that makes it easier for companies to map the risks that might occur and in what way the company determines the strategy used so that these risks can be resolved. However, the use of information technology has a significant risk of failure and requires a relatively high investment cost. Such businesses require consistent management of information technology applications. Companies that want to know what risks will arise when implementing information technology really need risk management. To prove that information technology resources are aligned with business processes, carry out risk assessments, manage risks perfectly, carry out maturity level processes, and make recommendations in order to achieve targets that are comparable to company goals, the COBIT 4.1 framework is the framework that best suits the company's interests. The method used for this research consists of several stages, namely, literature study, information gathering, objective setting, risk identification, risk assessment, risk response, risk monitoring, maturity level determination, and making recommendations.
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Akkiyat, Ikram, and Nissrine Souissi. 2019. “Modelling Risk Management Process According to ISO Standard.” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Volume 8 No 2: 5830–35.
Megawati., Amrullah, Fauzi. 2014. Evaluasi Tingkat kematangan Teknologi Informasi dengan Menggunakan Model Maturity Level COBIT 4.1(Studi Kasus PT BRI Cabang Bangkinang). Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Industri. 12(1): 99-105
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A.Pradana dan B. Rikumahu. Penerapan Manajemen Risiko Terhadap Perwujudan Good Corporat
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