Analysis Of Risk Management Online Purchasing Systems Reseller From Islamic Economy Perspecktive

  • Fadli Sinaga Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Kata kunci: Reseller, Risk, Risk Identification, Risk Management, Buying and Selling Risk


Today’s technology has a very big influence on the buying and selling procedure, which used to require a rendezvous between the buyer and seller, but now thanks to the development of this technology, it is much easier and more efficient. This is known as buying and selling online or known as online shopping. Not only the development of the buying and selling media, the very rapid development of the buying and selling system, one of the proofs that this time is very widespread & very loved by many people, namely the reseller & dropshipper buying and selling system. In this study, the emphasis will be on the buying and selling system using resellers. More emphasis is on being a reseller of one of the beauty products, namely Ms Glow. This is certain to contain a risk, and how risk management must be applied. This research uses a case study approach document analysis method, and a Systematic Literature Review research. The results of this study indicate that doing business as a reseller of Ms. Glow exposes you to some inherent risks. One of them is market uncertainty, the number of competitors and the rise of counterfeit goods. Risk management, on the other hand, is implemented based on a risk management process, one of which is from risk identification to risk response planning. Avoidance based on historical methods and risk management procedures based on risk management indicators.




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How to Cite
F. Sinaga, “ANALISIS MANAJEMEN RESIKO JUAL BELI ONLINE SISTEM RESELLER DALAM PRESPEKTIF EKONOMI ISLAM: Analysis Of Risk Management Online Purchasing Systems Reseller From Islamic Economy Perspecktive ”, JTMSI, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 46-51, Mar. 2024.